Our team of experts have different backgrounds and disciplines and work together on sustainability.

Bram Qualm

Program Director Fascinating (Sustainable Crops)

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Fascinating - Programmadirecteur Gezonde Voeding - Paul de Vos

Paul de Vos

Program Director - Fascinating (Healthy Foods)
Peter de Jong - Program Director ISPT
More about me

Peter de Jong

Program Director Mild Fractionation for Food (MFFF), Drying & Dewatering, Fascinating (Processing Technology)

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Irene ten Dam

Irene ten Dam

Program Manager - Circular Carbon, Industrial Fluid Processing (IFP)

Our core team is supported by a Supervisory Board and an Academic Advisory Board.

Supervisory Board

The ISPT Supervisory Board consists of appointed representatives of ISPT participants from the process industry, academic partners and SME’s. It supervises the ISPT managing board and provides advice and counsel.

ISPT Supervisory Board - Gert-Jan de Geus

Gert Jan de Geus

OCI Nitrogen
ISPT Supervisory Board - Emiel Hensen

Emiel Hensen

Eindhoven University of Technology
ISPT Supervisory Board - Marco Waas

Marco Waas

ISPT Supervisory Board - Margrethe Jonkman

Margrethe Jonkman


Jurgen Hoekstra

ISPT supervisory board - Richard Braal

Richard Braal


Rob Mudde

TU Delft
ISPT Supervisory Board - Michiel Meeuse

Michiel Meeuse


Kirsten Steinbusch

ISPT supervisory board - Sjoukje Heimovaara - WUR - 1-1

Sjoukje Heimovaara

Wageningen University and Research

Academic Advisory Board

The ISPT Academic Advisory Board guarantees the scientific quality of the activities and programs of ISPT. It consists of professors and academic representatives related to ISPT.

ISPT Academic Advisory Board - Martin van Sint-Annaland

Prof. dr. ir. M. (Martin) van Sint Annaland

Eindhoven University of Technology
Sascha Kersten

Chair, Prof. dr. ir. S.R.A. (Sascha) Kersten

University of Twente
ISPT Academic Advisory Board - Ruud van Ommen

Prof. dr. ir. R. (Ruud) van Ommen

TU Delft
ISPT Academic Advisory Board - H.J. Heeres

Prof. dr. ir. H.J. (Erik) Heeres

University of Groningen
ISPT Academic Advisory Board - Remko Boom

Prof. dr. ir. RM (Remko) Boom

Wageningen University & Research