Hi. My name is:

Ineke de Boer

Finance Manager

+31 6 2249 7559

Ineke de Boer is our Financial Manager. She is a mathematical wizard by heart with a strong attention to detail and an investigative nature. She studied Climate & Economy and has always worked in the field of sustainable finances, for example for the ASN Bank or in the Argro & Food Culture.

“The shift to sustainability has reached the financial world. Finally! People don’t realise that finances play a huge role in the transition to a sustainable and circular economy. I have been reading het Financiële Dagblad for over 20 years and only in the last 2 years they started writing about sustainability. I’m happy, because where investments go, change will follow.”

Where investments go, change will follow

Ineke de Boer – Financial wizard by heart

Ineke started working for ISPT in February 2018. “Through an acquaintance I heared about the job opening for a financial manager for an organization called ISPT. As I started to dig in further, I saw that this function was right up my alley: combining my background in finances with environmental causes.”

Ineke’s day-to-day work varies from administrative tasks, monitoring the finances on both a corporate, program and project base and  maintaining the financial viability of the organization. “Around 80% of my work exists of handling the daily financial and administrative operations. The other 20%, is more challenging. For example, when a partner leaves a project halfway through: how do we make sure that the project keeps running? I don’t shy away from such a challenge.”