With our events we aim to inspire and energize you, so we can make the necessary steps to a sustainable industry.
ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency
A computer science conference with a cross-disciplinary focus that brings together researchers and practitioners interested in fairness, accountability, and transparency in socio-technical systems.
European Industry & Energy Summit 2019
The summit strives to foster ideas, technology, plans & projects to address this challenge by bringing together all relevant parties and expertise from around Europe.
Dutch consortium aims to make AC motors more efficient
The Institute for Sustainable Process Technology together with Nouryon, Vopak, Semiotic Labs, TPA Adviseurs and the Universiteit Utrecht’s Copernicus Institute have received a grant to develop technology that reduces energy...
CHAINS is the annual Dutch chemistry conference where chemists in science and industry come together, from PhD students and postdocs to professors and R&D scientists.
ISPT event
Inspec @2019 Jubilee meeting VOC
To celebrate their 30th anniversary, the Dutch/Flemish Classification Society (VOC) will have a two day conference, open to both VOC members and non-members. On Friday Tim Offermans, PhD at Radboud...
Jaarcongres ECP
Yearly congress of the Dutch platform for the information society.
Hannover Messe
The world’s leading industrial technology show.
GRIP on Drying
This project investigates how inline sensors can help improving product quality and efficiency.
ISPT event
ISPT Conference 2019
How can we implement a circular industry in all sectors? The ISPT Conference is the annual gathering of the ISPT network. This year’s theme is circularity, a booming term in...
How the industry plays a crucial role in establishing a sustainable future
What if we don't see the industry as a big bad polluter, but as an indispensable partner in building a green future?
WeCare – We Create Awareness & Reduce Energy
The WeCARE project demonstrated the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence technology of EnergQ at a selected number of end users. EnerGQ’s self-learning energy management technology unveiled the excessive energy consumption and with that...
New ecosystem model to implement Industry 4.0 in the chemical industry
In a recent paper, the smart-up ecosystem is introduced as a crucial conceptual model for implementing Industry 4.0. The model offers guidance for small and medium enterprises on how they...
IMPROVISE – Improved process operation via rigorous simulation models
Improved daily operations of important chemical processes in the Dutch chemical industry through operation technology based on detailed physical models. Incentive Being able to anticipate what a chemical process is...
INSPEC – Integrating sensor based process monitoring and advanced process control
INSPEC quantitatively integrates information from state-of-the-art Process Analytical Technology, process measurements and dynamic process models (data driven or physics-based) into Advanced Process Control. This will induce a step-change with respect to...
ERGO – Energy Reduction by Condition-based Monitoring
Using SAM4 to detect energy-inefficiencies and realize energy reduction. Semiotic Labs’ SAM4 provides a novel and unique approach to condition monitoring for critical AC motors and rotating equipment such as...
AIDA – Accelerate the Integration of Digitalization Acceptation
The AIDA project performs research towards predictive capabilities and integration of digital technologies at the various levels of individual processes.
Smart Maintenance Skillslab
In a Smart Maintenance Skillslab industry and educational institutions can collaborate on new forms of education to solve shortage on the labor market.
IoF – Internet of Food
The Internet of Food (IoF) project defines the sharing of data and models in order to improve sensing systems in food production.
SAAI – Social Acceptance of AI in Industry
The SAAI project focuses on accelerating the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in industry, leading to an energy use reduction of 5-40%, an increased competitiveness of industry, and increased economic...
More about me
John Harinck
Program Manager - Digitalisation, Electric Cracking
Strengthening the competitive power with Smart Maintenance Skills Lab
Thanks to a boost of new methods and technologies, Smart Maintenance concepts strengthen the competitive power of companies and have the ability to create new business. To do so, Smart...
Accelerating the Adoption of Digitalisation
Digitalizing our factories and processes will be an essential part of a sustainable future for the industry. Smart Industry will be able to optimize processes all throughout the value chain....
Artificial Intelligence in the Industry
SAAI project researches social acceptance of AI in Industry Artificial Intelligence and Smart Solutions are already all around us. Systems can work autonomously and more efficient when Intelligent Systems are...
World Economic Forum welcomes Tata-Steel to its community of “Lighthouses”
ISPT Partner Tata-Steel in IJmuiden has been elected to become part of it’s so called “lighthouse community”. These are manufacturing factories that are leaders in the technologies in Industry 4.0. The...