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Clean Ammonia Innovation Platform

Event: Clean Ammonia as an Energy and Hydrogen Carrier


As the Netherlands and the global community seek to transition away from fossil fuels, alternative energy sources are being explored. Ammonia, which serves as both a hydrogen and energy carrier, is being considered as a potential component of the future energy system.

However, there are uncertainties surrounding its precise role. The ISPT Clean Ammonia Innovation Platform has facilitated collaboration between industry and government stakeholders to better understand the challenges and opportunities of using ammonia as an energy and hydrogen carrier.


This event will showcase the insights from the ISPT Clean Ammonia Innovation Platform, as well as mark te official launch of the Clean Ammonia Innovation Roadmap.

For whom?

The event provides relevant insights to a wide range of participants, including:

  • Legislators who will be responsible for shaping energy policies
  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) focused on sustainability
  • Members of the industrial sector who will adopt the new energy solutions

Date and time

October 31, 2023 13:00 – 17:00


Registration & lunch

A warm welcome
We will kickstart the event with an opening session about how to use ammonia in the new energy and feedstock system? Carol Xiao and Rob Stevens will talk about GW scale hydrogen vs ammonia, and the potential of ammonia as an energy carrier.

Official launch of Ammonia Roadmap

Hans van ‘t Noordende will officially launch the Clean Ammonia Roadmap and give you insight in how the use of ammonia as an energy carrier will affect import, transport and utilisation of ammonia in the Netherlands/ARRRA, what (technical) developments are needed, and the safety aspects of an ammonia based system.

Overview low carbon ammonia production

Trevor Brown will talk about the production of clean ammonia world wide.

Panel discussions

  • Possible value chains and their quantities
  • Technological challenges faced when implementing an ammonia system
  • Various technologies that will need to be developed to realize an ammonia value chain


Afterwards, you are invited for drinks to celebrate the anniversary of the Clean Ammonia Platform and the launch of the Roadmap.

We invited an impressive line-up of people to cover various topics, like technology pathways and ammonia safety.


Special offer: our unique Combi Ticket gives you access to both the Clean Ammonia Event (31-10) ánd the National Hydrogen Conference (1-11).

Your contact person for this event

If you have questions about this event, please contact us. We are happy to answer any questions.

The Clean Ammonia Event is supported by Deltalinqs and Ammonia Energy Association