W2T - Waste to Taste

W2T – Waste2Taste

Waste2Taste is a project about closing the circle in food waste streams, using high value vegetable waste for the production of high quality and fully natural food ingredients.

  • Waste to Taste is about vegetable waste conversion
  • An innovative processing strategy uses white asparagus waste to make dried products powders
  • The strategy concentrates on maximising resource usage, flavour, and shelf life

Developing innovative drying strategies

White asparagus has been identified as the ideal candidate crop for this project where the currently extensive waste stream shall be exploited to develop new, innovative drying strategies. Importantly, these strategies shall concentrate on maintaining maximum flavour in the final dried powder(s), which are to be used as a clean-label food ingredient. Processing strategies developed will be evaluated for their generic applicability to other vegetables such as tomato, bell pepper and eggplant.

Maximum resource usage

We aim to overcome science and technology hurdles to optimise vegetable waste conversion in the most sustainable manner and by retaining quality by specifically focusing on flavour and aroma characteristics. State of the art metabolomics approaches will be designed to direct the production process. Prototype, high-value natural ingredients shall be produced with maximum resource usage, which meet consumer demands both in terms of sensory quality and sustainability.

The project unites the complementary expertise of 2 academic partners with strong, relevant track records with industrial representatives from the main links in the food value chain and the Institute of Sustainable Process Technology as project coordinator.

Acknowledgement & partners

This project is co-funded by TKI-E&I with the supplementary grant 'TKI- Toeslag' for Topconsortia for Knowledge and Innovation (TKI’s) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.