EBI – Engineering Business Intelligence
The EBI project uses data collection, data analytics and data visualization to reduce energy usage in existing processes by 5-25%.
ECWRTI – Electrocoagulation for Water Recycling in Textile Industry
The ECWRTI project is about closing the waterloop in the textile industry.
CIRCPET – Circular PET trays for perishable food applications
PET trays are currently difficult to recycle. How can we create a fully circular PET tray solution that meets market demands while minimizing environmental impact?
COMPRESORP focuses on upgrading low temperature waste water streams of separation processes with compression resorption heat pumps.
INSPEC – Integrating sensor based process monitoring and advanced process control
INSPEC quantitatively integrates information from state-of-the-art Process Analytical Technology, process measurements and dynamic process models (data driven or physics-based) into Advanced Process Control. This will induce a step-change with respect to...
FLEXSTEAM – Development of heat storage for industrial steam
The FLEXSTEAM project aims to improve the way we can store and re-use thermal energy by using so called ‘Phase Changing Materials’ (PCMs). To achieve a fully circular economy we...
Engender: Compact Energy Efficient Dryer
Engender works on an energy efficient drying method of foods. Expected energy savings are estimated up to 30%.
LESSON – Oil free compressor for ammonia based high temperature heat pumps
Wet compression allows for close to isothermal conditions during compression resulting in higher compression isentropic efficiencies. It further prevents operation in the superheating zone of the working fluids of heat...
Hydrohub GigaWatt Scale Electrolyser
We are an important step further towards a Dutch hydrogen economy: the design for an advanced green hydrogen plant at large scale.
Obtaining process water out of rain from own roof with high energy saving potential compared to current processes. Motivation and Scope Rainwater is already chemically very pure. Only some evaporated...
W2T – Waste2Taste
Waste to Taste is a project about closing the circle in food waste streams using vegetable waste for the production of fully natural food ingredients.
RMZD – Radial Multi-Zone Drying
The Radial Multi-zone Dryer (RMD) project investigates new type of spray dryer for premium product properties and low specific energy consumption.
ReCYCLE – Electrical bike with durable circular plastic parts
ReCYCLE is a cutting-edge project that combines electric bikes with durable circular plastic parts, pushing the boundaries of innovation in sustainability.
Smart Maintenance Skillslab
In a Smart Maintenance Skillslab industry and educational institutions can collaborate on new forms of education to solve shortage on the labor market.
VERA – Accelerating Energy Transition Realization Approach
The Vera project aims to further develop and implement industrial heat pumps in the Netherlands.
BRECSIT – Bio-based REsin CompoSIte Technologies
Plantics-GX composites can replace conventional, fossil-based plastic composites.
RiConfigure is about involving a diverse group of actors in society’s innovation team.
DISCO – Downstream ISolation of high-value COmponents
The Downstream ISolation of high-value Components (DISCO) aims to lower the material use and increase the energy-efficiency.
InReP – An Integrated approach towards Recycling of Plastics
Recycling plastics is one of the biggest challenges the industry is facing today. This projects aims to overcome current challenges.
Single Droplet Modelling
Multicomponent analysis of single droplet spray drying techniques and PhD research for the drying and dewatering program of ISPT.
Steam and condensate quality
This project focuses on requiering better insights into the distribution and behaviour of conditioning chemicals that is used in their steam-water cycles and condensate polishing. Process industries strive for more...
Measurements 4 Management
The aim of Measurement for Management (M4M) is to develop operational predictive technologies that (1) are transparent and include all available process information, (2) provide predictions of Key Performance Indicators...
FOMM – Forward Osmosis Membrane and Module development
Forward osmosis (FO) is a technology recently developed on academic level, with very few example applications in the market, despite its strong benefits. FO is an energy efficient and effective...
FUSE – FUll ScalE Industrial Heat Pump Using Natural Refrigerants
Supporting the development and success of an industrial heat pump market through the develeopment of a standardized, modular, flexible compression heat pump technology. Incentive High temperature industrial heat pumps are...