With our events we aim to inspire and energize you, so we can make the necessary steps to a sustainable industry.
Springtij Forum 2020
From September 24th till 26th the Springtij Forum takes place. The forum is an influential meeting place for everyone committed to a sustainable future in the Netherlands.
“We will all have to get used to it”
This statement is made by Frans van den Akker in an interview on Industry 4.0 for the Dutch magazine Europoort Kringen. They talk about how the introduction of Artificial Intelligence...
ISPT event
Granting & Graduation Event 2020
The Graduation event of the Process Technology Talent Program (PTTP) students Cohort 2018, will take place online this year on Wednesday 11 November from 15:30 to 18:00 via MS Teams....
Reducing energy use and material loss by controlling agglomeration spray drying
The new StAgglop project aims to develop scaling-relations to manage sticky behavior and agglomeration in spray drying.
Kick off R-ACES project
Earlier this month, the virtual kick-off meeting of R-ACES took place. The focus of R-ACES is to turn high-potential, high-impact industrial clusters into eco-regions that achieve at least a 10%...
Improving dynamic synchronization of production data for better process modelling
Together with FrieslandCampina, the chemometrics department of the Radboud University has compared different methods for the dynamic synchronization of production data that has to be performed before multivariate statistical analysis....
Journal Paper Award for researchers IMPROVISE Project
Researchers in the IMPROVISE project have received the IFAC Journal Paper Award
Share your opinions on the risks and opportunities of AI
Almost unnoticed, an unprecedented revolution is currently taking place: the development and application of artificial intelligence (AI). More concretely, one can think of autonomous driving vehicles, robotization in healthcare, assisted...
How to make cross-sector collaborations in innovation successful
Cross-sector collaborations can be challenging. We need more insights into how they work in practice. Which main challenges do they face, what works and what does not? How do you...
Digitalisation of the energy transition
How to best foster the energy transition? The answer is often thought to be found in new technologies, new energy and heat sources, or new industries. These innovations could indeed...
Use case: Energy Hub
The Energy Hub is the first tool that can handle the energy flows of a complex manufacturing plant.
Use case: Network optimization – Gondwana
It is vital that investements in water utilities are made efficiently, maximizing system performance while minimizing costs.
Use case: AI for Predictive Maintenance
SAM4 is the Smart Condition Monitoring solution for AC induction motors and rotating equipment.
Use case: Lerende steen
MachineLearning for Advanced Process Control for Furnaces
Toolkit: Hands on Tool Time (HoTT)
The Hands-on-Tool Time Toolkit provides insight into the lost time and enables the improvement of workprocesses.
ISPT event
Industrie in Gesprek
Kennisontwikkeling in de Nederlandse procesindustrie na Corona Donderdag 9 juli – 15u00 Hoe blijven we, ook nu, mensen aantrekken en kennis ontwikkelen voor de procesindustrie? Welke gevolgen heeft Covid-19 op...
Webinar EED energy audit (Dutch)
What is the use of an EED energy audit, what are the alternatives and how can you tackle the EED obligations? Join the webinar (in Dutch) to learn more.
AI will increase efficiency in the process industry
AI is particularly good in recognizing patterns and detecting deviations.
ISPT event
Industrie in Gesprek III: Infrastructuur voor de energietransitie (Dutch)
Hoe ziet de infrastructuur voor de Nederlandse industrie van de toekomst eruit? Donderdag 28 mei om 15u00 Een belangrijke voorwaarde voor de energietransitie van de Nederlandse industrie is een infrastructuur...
Process modelling and extra data-acquisition guides machine up-grading
Follow our sequel on the case results in the project Grip on Dryers – this time part 4 of 5. Within the Grip on Dryers project, several companies that seek...
Online iBrainstorm ‘Circular entrepreneurship’ (Dutch)
CIRCO is een programma voor bedrijven waarin je kennis maakt met de principes van de circulaire economie, kansen verkent voor jouw onderneming en naar huis gaat met een visie voor...
Industrielinqs LIVE (Dutch)
Industrielinqs LIVE is een digitale talkshow over actuele ontwikkelingen in de industrie.
ISPT event
European Energy & Industry Summit 2020
The European Industry & Energy Summit 2020 goes completely online! We make a virtue of necessity and broadcast the summit at the 8th and 9th of December from Amsterdam and...
Nikhil John: artificial intelligence in ERGO-project
Nikhil John researches sustainable production and artificial intelligence as part of the ERGO project.