LESSON – Oil free compressor for ammonia based high temperature heat pumps
Wet compression allows for close to isothermal conditions during compression resulting in higher compression isentropic efficiencies. It further prevents operation in the superheating zone of the working fluids of heat...
COMPRESORP focuses on upgrading low temperature waste water streams of separation processes with compression resorption heat pumps.
FLEXSTEAM – Development of heat storage for industrial steam
The FLEXSTEAM project aims to improve the way we can store and re-use thermal energy by using so called ‘Phase Changing Materials’ (PCMs). To achieve a fully circular economy we...
Probiotics – Low energy living bacterial food formulations
Research towards a novel and generic strategy for probiotics in low energy living bacterial food formulations
SiC – Silicon Carbide membranes for innovative oil-in-water separations
This project investigates the behavior of silicon carbide membranes in pilot trials. These determine fouling, cleaning options, cleaning frequency and the consequences for the long term performance and economics. Test...
Steam and condensate quality
This project focuses on requiering better insights into the distribution and behaviour of conditioning chemicals that is used in their steam-water cycles and condensate polishing. Process industries strive for more...
SUPP – Steel Slag Upgrading and PCC Production
The aim of the SUPP project is to create one combined and integrated robust batch process in order to stabilize and upgrade steel slag and neutralize hydrochloric acid. In addition, it...
ELSA – Electrically Switchable Affinity Separation Processes
Exploring the advantages of Electrically Switchable Adsorption (ELSA) membranes in the industrial separation process.
HF2N – High Flux 2D Nanosheet membranes
High Flux 2D Nanosheet membranes to demonstrate and validate the high potential of a new class of inorganic high flux 2D Nanosheet membranes on a practical scale
COLFILM – Collapsing Films in Emulsions
In this project computer simulations are used to reveal the impact of a crucial underlying phenomenon: little waves on the surface of droplets that can suddenly grow and thus accelerate...
CMF – Controlling Multiphase Flow
This Industrial Partnership Programme aims at understanding the rheology of complex emulsions and their stability under flow. While there is much empirical knowledge about emulsion rheology and stability, the microscopic...
EAMS – Energy efficient Affinity-driven Molecular Separation
The aim of the EAMS project is to: Application New or improved affinity separation options for selected cases: extractive distillation and (reactive) liquid-liquid extraction.
W2T – Waste2Taste
Waste to Taste is a project about closing the circle in food waste streams using vegetable waste for the production of fully natural food ingredients.
Hydrohub GigaWatt Scale Electrolyser
We are an important step further towards a Dutch hydrogen economy: the design for an advanced green hydrogen plant at large scale.
S2C – Steel2Chemicals
The project Steel2Chemicals develops a closed value chain in which CO from steel production is used as feedstock for the chemical industry.
Plasma Conversions
Industrial ammonia production is energy intensive and has a huge footprint. A plasma integrated water electrolyser provides an ecologically clean alternative process to Haber-Bosch.
FOMM – Forward Osmosis Membrane and Module development
Forward osmosis (FO) is a technology recently developed on academic level, with very few example applications in the market, despite its strong benefits. FO is an energy efficient and effective...
INSPEC – Integrating sensor based process monitoring and advanced process control
INSPEC quantitatively integrates information from state-of-the-art Process Analytical Technology, process measurements and dynamic process models (data driven or physics-based) into Advanced Process Control. This will induce a step-change with respect to...
IMPACCT – Improved process performance by process intensification in centrifugal contactors
Centrifugal contactors, such as RPBs, could provide significant improvement of separation processes in the chemical industry. This technology seems potentially suitable for replacing or debottlenecking current unit operations which suffer...
ERGO – Energy Reduction by Condition-based Monitoring
Using SAM4 to detect energy-inefficiencies and realize energy reduction. Semiotic Labs’ SAM4 provides a novel and unique approach to condition monitoring for critical AC motors and rotating equipment such as...
Hydrohub MegaWatt Test Center
This project covers the design, realization and exploration of the Hydrohub MegaWatt Test Center at the Zernike Campus in Groningen.
PINcHED – Process INtegrated HEat pump Drying
This project creates greenfield conceptual design packages for contact and convective drying of a full scale. In addition, it focuses on establishing a fully heat pump integrated drying process, including...
EEMS – Energy Efficient Milky Sprays
Spray drying is a very energy intensive process. EEMS is about energy efficient drying which can lead to 20% energy reduction.