TREPS – Trace Removal Using Electrically Powered Separations
In a circular economy, traces need to be removed to keep the loop clean. TREPS deals with trace removal using electricity.

Unique innovation programme paves way for energy-neutral and circular process industry in 2050
Long Term Programme is a unique programme in which universities and companies work together to create a sustainable process industry.

The how, what, where and why of electrification in industry
The electrification of our industry remains a complex puzzle. What is needed for the industry to electrify? Andreas Ten Cate explains.

Nitrogen fixation with renewable electricity
Is Plasma Catalysis an alternative for small-scale ammonia synthesis?

External event
Inspiration tour Chemelot and Gulpener
On April 21st, Platform Verduurzaming Industrie organises this year's first live inspiration tour to Limburg's Chemelot and Beer brewer Gulpener.

Tested: platforms calculating the benefits from recycling waste heat and cold
During a hands-on workshop participants were able to test platforms, developed by the EU funded projects EMB3Rs and R-ACES, that help reusing excess thermal energy.

“Embrace the complexity of the energy transition”
What is needed in the energy transition? Andreas Ten Cate shares his vision on the transition and dives into the complexity of it all.

Verduurzaming van de industrie, hoe gaan we dat doen?
De verduurzaming van de Nederlandse industrie is een monsterklus. Hoe gaan we die klaren voor 2050?

“Behavioral change requires a reliable outlook for the future”
John Harinck shares his outlook on the future's sustainable value chains. How can we effectively change behaviour? And what does the industry need?

Whitepaper Industriële Flexibiliteit
Whitepaper over de mogelijkheden voor elektrificatie en flexibilisering voor de Nederlandse industrie.

How to convert methane to ethylene?
Over the past 3 years, PhD candidate Yordi Slotboom researched the conversion of methane to ethylene using pulsed compression technology.

Electrification requires adaptability and flexibility
Electrification is the best way to reach sustainability goals. Yet, solar and wind energies are fickle and their output changes regularly.

External event
Dag van het Klimaatakkoord
On November 3, de Dag van het Klimaatakkoord, we will talk about the road to zero emissions in 2050.

Facts and Figures of the Dutch energy sector
These are the most important facts and figures about energy(systems) in the Netherlands in 2021.

Podcast on innovative technologies and sustainable process technology
The BEAP podcast series is about the collaborations between Dutch industry and 4 innovative SMEs who are creating the technology for a sustainable tomorrow.

ToPerform Smart Solutions: “There is no Planet B”
Innovations should contribute to both the objectives of the Climate Agreementas as well as the growth of a companie.

FrieslandCampina’s goals and ambitions for a zero carbon emission future
How will FrieslandCampina realize their goals and ambitions for a zero carbon emmission future? Lei Weiwei goes in depth on their future plans.

Shell and DOW start up e-cracking furnace experimental unit
This milestone is a significant step toward decarbonising the most carbon intensive aspects of petrochemical manufacturing.

Connect to Act – Infrastructure optimalisation and reiventing supply chains
On 16 and 17 June this upcoming event will focus on ‘INFRASTRUCTURE BEYOND BOUNDARIES‘. To achieve the energy transition new and integrated infrastructure is essential. Embedding new feedstock into the complex...

How our young talents help realizing the energy transition
The energy transition requires well-educated young people to contribute to a sustainable society, such as our trainees. This is their story.

ISPT-directeur Tjeerd Jongsma over het belang van samenwerken in de energietransitie
Wat zijn de huidige uitdagingen rondom de energietransitie? ISPT-directeur Tjeerd Jogsma spreekt erover in het Financieel Dagblad (FD).

The Future of Energy
During this event, young people will have the opportunity to learn about the challenges within the energy transition.

PINcHED: final conclusion on integrating heat pumps into drying processes
PINcHED has officially completed its project concerned with establishing heat pumps integrated in drying processes. Today, drying processes account for approximately 15% of the primary energy used by Dutch industry,...

ISPT event
Sold out: ISPT Conference ’22
The Dutch industry has a major ambition: to be fully sustainable by 2050. But how will the transition be financed? And what investments will contribute to the energy transition?