De waterstofeconomie begint in de industrie

New report ‘Gigawatt green hydrogen plant: Advanced design and total installed capital costs’


We are one important step further towards a Dutch hydrogen economy. We proudly present the design for an innovative and advanced green hydrogen plant at gigawatt scale, which can be operational in 2030. Read all about it in our new public report.

Expectations about the role of hydrogen in the energy transition are sky-high: hydrogen must be used in many places as a CO2- and fossil-free energy carrier and raw material – in industry, transport and many more places.

This hydrogen must be produced green on a large scale in 2030. We need to scale up from the current 10 MW of production facilities to gigawatts of plants. The Hydrohub Gigawatt Scale Electrolyser project has been concerned with the question of how such a plant will look like.

VR tour in green hydrogen plant

Take a VR-tour to see how a GW green hydrogen plant would look like and what technologies are used.

Webinar: producing green hydrogen at industrial scale

In a webinar we explored what is needed to put the business plan of the green hydrogen ecosystem in the Netherlands on track on the basis of our results. Journalist and researcher Evert Nieuwenhuis took us along various topics:

  • The design of the gigawatt hydrogen plant.
  • The significance of the design for the transition of industry and the development of the hydrogen economy.
  • A conversation with Nienke Homan (Green Hydrogen Organisation) and Anne Mieke van der Werf (InvestNL) about what the results mean for the financiability of the hydrogen economy.
  • A conversation with Ulco Vermeulen (Gasunie), Marcel Galjee (HyCC) and Henri Bontenbal (CDA) about how we are actually going to build this factory.

Watch the livestream of the webinar

This design is a result of the project Hydrohub Gigawatt Scale Elektrolyser, which is part of the Hydrohub Innovation Program.


This project is co-funded by TKI-E&I with the supplementary grant 'TKI- Toeslag' for Topconsortia for Knowledge and Innovation (TKI’s) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.