Hydrogen could play a vital role in future renewable energy systems. In our HyChain projects, part of our Hydrohub Innovation Program, we look at an optimisation of a future renewable hydrogen value chain, with the Netherlands as a focal point. The HyChain II project specifically focusses on the cost implications of importing renewable electricity, hydrogen and hydrogen carriers into the Netherlands.
Within the project a high-level model is developed to evaluate these import costs and their dependencies on the various input parameters. Three import routes are being explored using a greenfield approach and 2050 as a reference year. Read all about it in our knowledge base.
This report is the result of the ISPT HyChain project that investigates the emergence of novel green-hydrogen-based supply chains as driver for the energy transition. In addition to the HyChain II report, HyChain I investigated the role of green hydrogen in industrial energy transition while HyChain III systematically explored all technological options to convert renewable energy into hydrogen and derived dense energy carriers and technologies to store and transport those, as building blocks of the future supply chains. In HyChain IV we will carry on developing an integrated model for extensive scenario analysis.

This project is co-funded with subsidy from the Topsector Energy by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.