With our events we aim to inspire and energize you, so we can make the necessary steps to a sustainable industry.

ISPT event
National Industrial Hydrogen Conference
During the National Industrial Hydrogen Conference we will dive deep into the quest how to lift the hydrogen economy off the ground in the Netherlands.

ISPT event
Event: Clean Ammonia as an Energy and Hydrogen Carrier
This event showcases insights to better understand the challenges and opportunities of using ammonia as an energy and hydrogen carrier.

ISPT event
Circular Plastics Conference 2023
Join CPC'23 and meet like-minded people from our network, learn from keynotes, join an expert session and share drinks and fascinating foods.

ISPT event
NET-ZERO inspiration workshop
The Top Sector Energy (digitization network and the TKI Energie & Industrie) together with ISPT invites you as an industrial end user to join the NET-ZERO inspiration workshop.

ISPT event
The Netherlands Process Technology Symposium (NPS) will be held on July 6 and 7 2023, at Kinepolis in Enschede.

ISPT event
Technology Carrousel on heat integration
At the Technology Carrousel manufacturers and suppliers of heat integration and storage technologies will present their technologies.

ISPT event
Can we trust our sensors?
How to obtain consistent sensor performance in Industry 4.0? This event is hosted by ISPT and partners from the Industry 4.0 cluster on June 2nd from 13.00 – 17.00 in...

ISPT event
Design for recycling: the optimalization of inks, additives, pigments & contaminants
The Circular Plastics Initiative (CPI) would like to invite you to a workshop on Design for Recycling (DfR) of plastics and focused on the other compounds in plastics than polymer,...

ISPT event
Sold out: ISPT Conference ’22
The Dutch industry has a major ambition: to be fully sustainable by 2050. But how will the transition be financed? And what investments will contribute to the energy transition?

ISPT event
Deep-dive in a 1-GW scale green-hydrogen plant
To develop a viable hydrogen economy, we must cooperate now to make innovations ready for the market. Recently we published the design and corresponding investment costs of a one-gigawatt green-hydrogen...

ISPT event
Problem solving and matchmaking: Building blocks from waste
ISPT invites you to join our event on Building blocks from waste on 15 March 2022. Meet and match with residual stream owners, innovative technology suppliers and the market for...

ISPT event
R-ACES Ecoregion Meetings #4
Join us for the final inspirational online seminar series on how to initiate energy cooperation projects on industrialsites and business parks. Industrial sites and business parks play a key role...

ISPT event
Data monitoring within the plastic value chain
3rd of February – 13:00 – 15:00 – Online event Together with our community we have defined the current challenges in the plastic value chain in our Circular Plastics Initiative Roadmap. We strive to tackle these challenges together with you, and...

ISPT event
Circular Plastics Conference 2022 (CPC’22)
Taking place in May 18th and 19th 2022: the 2-day Circular Plastics Conference 2022. This year the Circular Plastic Conference 2022 is all about partnering up and interacting face-to-face with...
ISPT event
Producing green hydrogen at industrial scale
On January 20, 2022 ISPT organizes a symposium on producing green hydrogen at industrial scale. During this event we proudly present our new public report ‘Gigawatt green hydrogen plant: Advanced...

ISPT event
Online Inspiration Event: Internet of Food
The digitization can help us to innovate our food faster and better. But how to get there? That is the question we want to address in an open inspiration event...

ISPT event
Waste Stream Valorisation Online Matchmaking event
As part of the circular economy, there is an increasing interest in converting waste streams into feedstock (hydrocarbons) and energy carriers (biogas, syngas, oil, heat, hydrogen). During this online matchmaking...

ISPT event
Exclusieve netwerklunch voor MKB en start-ups
Het Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT) heeft een missie: een circulaire procesindustrie in 2050. Daarin spelen de expertise en het innovatievermogen van start-ups, scale-ups en middelgrote bedrijven (MKB) een...

ISPT event
ISPT Conference 2021: Industry in Society
Dutch industry has a major ambition: to be fully sustainable by 2050, and to meet tough intermediate targets along the way, most particularly in 2030. To do this, it will need to play a leading transformational role. But let’s face...

ISPT event
Grasping the Grid: industry in the future energy system
Imagine it is 2042, the energy transition is in full swing. Offshore windfarms are supplying green electricity which is used to power households, industrial sites and to produce green hydrogen....
ISPT event
Industry 4.0 open cluster meeting
Join the open meeting of the ISPT Industry 4.0 cluster on Wednesday October 19th from 13:00 – 15:00, online via MS Teams. The purpose of the Industry 4.0 program of ISPT is to accelerate the transition of the process industry...

ISPT event
NPS17: Together more sustainable
Last year, the NPS17 was posponed due to the Covid-19 measurements. For this year, ISPT proudly announces the next Netherlands Process Technology Symposium (NPS17) in the role of co-organizer. An...
ISPT event
Industry 4.0 open cluster meeting
Join the Industry 4.0 open cluster meeting on Wednesday July 14 from 13:00 – 15:00, online via MS Teams. The Industry 4.0 program of ISPT focuses on leveraging the rapid growth in...

ISPT event
Handheld Spectrometry Networks
Small-scale spectrometers are an emerging technology in the process industry. These low-cost handheld analytical devices can provide valuable information about product compositions and quality in situ, real-time and non-invasively, from...