With our events we aim to inspire and energize you, so we can make the necessary steps to a sustainable industry.

External event
Tijdens dit evenement van GroenvermogenNL kijg je inhoudelijke inspiratie, concrete informatie én relevante connecties op het gebied van groene waterstof en chemie.

External event
Circular Plastics NL matchmaking event
This matchmaking morning of the CPNL program is dedicated to the forthcoming calls for 2023.

External event
Solutions Day
COAST, in collaboration with Het Waterlaboratorium and Cirmar, organizes a "Solutions Day!". The theme of this day is the transition to a circular economy, with a focus on plastics and...

External event
ALLICE Congress 2023 | Decarbonise industry: act now and innovate for tomorrow
Join us at the ALLICE 2023 Congress on Sept. 19-20. Obtain the latest insights into innovative technologies and best practices to accelerate the decarbonisation of your industrial sites.

External event
Interactieve workshop hoogtemperatuur warmteopslag voor industriële processen
Grootschalige energieopslag: een onmisbaar onderdeel van de energietransitie. Vergroot tijdens deze workshop van BlueTerra je kennis en reken op deskundige 1-op-1 begeleiding.

External event
Circular Plastics NL 2023: Information Session and Q&A
Are you curious about the latest advancements in the CPNL program and upcoming opportunities? Tune in for an engaging online information session (in English) on August 29 and September 4.

External event
Werkconferentie Topsector Energie – Energy TALKS!
Op donderdagmiddag 5 oktober 2023 organiseert de Topsector Energie het jaarlijkse topsectorevent; de werkconferentie. Een middag vol met innovatie-inspiratie!

External event
Masterclass Financiering najaar 2023
Speciaal voor mkb-ondernemers: om meer inzicht te krijgen in hoe en waar je financiering voor jouw innovatie kunt vinden.

External event
NWGD symposium 2023
The Netherlands Working Party on Drying (NWGD) invites you to its annual NWGD symposium on industrial drying on 21 September.

External event
Nationaal Warmte Congres 2023
Tijdens het Nationaal Warmte Congres worden stappen gezet om de uitvoering van de warmtetransitie concreet te maken.

External event
Mkb in de industrie: hoe krijg ik mijn kapitaal?
Tijdens dit event hoor je alles over de mogelijkheden voor subsidie, private financiering en risicokapitaal.

External event
Resource Wende Conference
What is the European and Dutch strategy in case the desired resource supply cannot be realized, due to planetary boundaries, sustainability challenges, geopolitical tensions and social implications?

External event
Inspiration tour Chemelot and Gulpener
On April 21st, Platform Verduurzaming Industrie organises this year's first live inspiration tour to Limburg's Chemelot and Beer brewer Gulpener.

External event
Joint EMB3Rs and R-ACES Stakeholders Workshop
Get to know the EMB3Rs Heat and Cold matching platform and the R-ACES Energy Management Platform (and how it can service you).

External event
Workshop: MVR and HT heat pumps for industry
Does residual heat represent an opportunity for you to reduce CO2? With this workshop BlueTerra provides knowledge about available technology, manufactures and types, their application options and calculation tools.

External event
EZK Energie Event
Energy is more topical than ever and the urgency is high: how can we reduce concerns about the energy bill by increasing sustainability?

External event
A speed-date with carbon circularity and energy transition
KIVI and KNCV-sectie Nederlandse Procestechnologen (NPT) organize a gathering in Delft about both (carbon-)circularity and energy transition and how the two are related.

External event
Dag van het Klimaatakkoord
On November 3, de Dag van het Klimaatakkoord, we will talk about the road to zero emissions in 2050.

External event
Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference 2022 (NWBC)
NWBC is about the latest in biorefinery separation, conversion processes and bio-based products from the wood biorefinery.