The ZERO BRINE project is organizing a series of workshops that addresses water re-use and brine stream valorization. The series are aimed at matching brine producers with users of regenerated minerals. The workshops also presents the Online Brine Platform (OBP) that facilitates these match-ups.
Positive feedback
Though the first workshop only took place a month ago, the workshop series are promising. According to John Harinck, ZERO BRINE Program Manager and workshop facilitator, the attendance and engagement was good, and the feedback and response from participants very positive.
The majority (90%) of the participants were potential end-users from industry and there was a clear interest in the idea of online matchmaking of material flows. The wastewater expert of an active ISPT stakeholder had already registered at the OBP before the workshop. Another contact is enthusiastic about the idea as he regularly receives requests for matching brine flows.

A common question is whether the OBP will continue to exist independently after the Zero Brine project ends. The developers of the Online Brine Platform have guaranteed continued offering and development of the matchmaking service. The project partners will also think about collaboration with other online material -, chemicals -, or waste matchmaking and exchange platforms.
The next workshops takes place at October 1st in Delfzijl. Click here for more info on registration.
ZERO BRINE is a 4-year Innovation Action (IA) financed by the European Commission that provides massive potential to replicate and deploy circular economy solutions in the field of industrial wastewater treatment. The project includes 22 partners from research institutes, SMEs, construction companies, and end-users from 10 countries.
Click here for more info on the project.
Click here for upcoming matchmaking workshops.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 730390.