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National Industrial Hydrogen Conference

National Industrial Hydrogen Conference


Over the last years the expectations of the green hydrogen market have grown tremendously. Gigawatt plans are announced globally left and right, and green hydrogen is presented as the golden bullet solution for the energy transition to reduce CO2 emissions. At ISPT we work together with our Hydrohub Innovation partners on the scale-up of electrolysis-based production of sustainable, low-cost hydrogen, as a driver for circular industrial chains. However, to reach this goal and achieve our commitment to the climate by 2030, we have to get our feet on the ground and start running.  

Wednesday the 1st of November we invite you to our National Industrial Hydrogen Conference. During our event we will dive deep into the quest how to lift the hydrogen economy off the ground in the Netherlands. The central question we will explore this afternoon is: “What is needed most at this moment in time to make the hydrogen economy a reality?”  


The conference will bring together stakeholders from the industry, legislators, NGOs and knowledge institutes. What steps are we going to take and how are policymakers and the finance sector going to help materialize the first steps in The Netherlands? High-level speakers, panel debates and plenary sessions will inspire these discussions. Leading organizations will disclose follow-up activities and there will be ample opportunity to connect and network.

For whom?

The event provides relevant insights to a wide range of participants, including: 

  • Industry representatives who are developing hydrogen projects  
  • Manufacturing sector representatives working on green hydrogen technologies 
  • Legislators shaping the green hydrogen & energy policies 
  • Research centers and knowledge institutes active in the field 
  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) focused on sustainability 

Date and time

November 1, 2023 12:15 – 17:30


During this conference, the primary language is English

Registration & lunch

A warm welcome
What is the importance of the hydrogen economy? Carol Xiao (ISPT) will officially open the event by shining her light on this question. 

The political perspective 

The first part of the conference we focus on the policymakers perspective. Our keynote speaker will address the current challenges in policymaking to materialize the green hydrogen economy, and guide us in how we get from ambition to action.  

In the panel discussion we go deeper into the do’s and don’ts in getting to concrete actions. 

Hydrohub Innovation Program 

Andreas ten Cate (Program Director Hydrogen at ISPT) will take you through the steps we have taken in our innovation program and will shed light on the next steps we are aiming to take with the Hydrohyb Innovation Program. 

The financial perspective  

It is clear that building the hydrogen economy requires huge investments. How to manage the financial risks and remove the obstacles to grab the opportunities that lie in front of us? 

A panel debates the challenges of the financial sector accelerating and scaling up the hydrogen economy.  

Drinks & Networking

Afterwards, you are invited to stay for drinks & bites and meet your peers.

We invited an impressive line-up of people to cover various topics. (soon more)


Special offer: our unique Combi Ticket gives you access to both the Clean Ammonia Event (31-10) ánd the National Hydrogen Conference (1-11).

Your contact person for this event

If you have questions about this event, please contact us. We are happy to answer any questions.

The National Industrial Hydrogen Conference is supported by TKI Energie & Industrie, TKI Nieuw Gas, NLHydrogen
and Groenvermogen